When the question When is D8 ready? was asked during a leadership Q&A session at DrupalCon Prague, the responses were testament to an orchestration of unity. None of the house-trained members of the panel dared to go beyond the “it’s ready when it’s ready” response.
At flink we're not afraid of speaking out for the sake of some great debate.
So here are some thoughts we have. Caution: may provoke. The comment box is open!
The fly in the D8 ointment
As much as we love the initiative and the people behind it, we believe that Backdrop will, for now, not flourish as a viable future platform. Right now, Backdrop appears to lack real backing in terms of people and $$$. Two weeks before the expiry of the funding campaign, less than $5,000 (10%) of the requested fund injection has been pledged. Also, repository commit activity has dropped off.
D8 commits are plentiful with more (although perhaps still not enough) people working on it and some $$$, from direct and indirect sources.
Backdrop doesn't seem to have a contributed module community to go with its core, yet. Mind you, at this stage D8 "embracement" is also mostly by default. Only 3% of D7 modules ported, not very forthcoming...
The colossal merit of Backdrop has been that its announcement --together with its initial credibility— shook up the community.
Result: Backdrop will make D8 better for all of us.
Little harmony in Symfony
In hindsight, the touting of technologies like Symfony, Twig and more OO in D8 ended up like a shot in the D8 foot.
Rather than these being seen as harbingers of great developer and business value alike, they were predominantly received (incorrectly) as the bane of the D7-to-D8 developer. The resulting grumbles from developers and site-builders and the education and pacification efforts in response to this, have taken the wind out of the sails of a sunny D8 roll-out. It has businesses using Drupal around the world wondering about D8 ROI.
It has also resulted in many a “Come learn D8 with us” training course. Is D8 becoming the new SAP? ;-)

Not a win-win situation… for now
The interim winner of the D8 tardiness vs. the Backdrop spanner in the works is, sadly, neither of the two. It's old D7.
Since the first of these Tech Debt snapshots was taken on 18th August 2013, today 26th October, 43 ported modules appeared on the D8 scene, versus 478 brand new ones in D7. That's eleven times as many. What does that say about where our communal mindset is focused at the moment?
Amongst all this, it so very heartening to see real, working D8 sites popping up now. Some of them share on their pages accounts of the D8 journey they’re on. These are just some we came across (let us know if you know more): http://yuriybabenko.com, http://running-on-drupal8.co.uk, http://chertzog.com
Thank you so much guys -- keep sending that beautiful message!
Core doeth not a website make
We feel that “When is D8 (core) ready?” is the wrong question to focus on. Instead ponder this: “When is D8 fit for my purposes?” You will agree that the answer lies in how many of your unmissable contrib modules you'll be able to use on your target date. There is no backward compatibility, no pick and mix with the old. The contrib modules YOU need must be ready when YOU wish to progress to D8. The great news is that there is enough stable D8 core out there to get cranking with contrib. There is no need to wait until the D8 core official release date is announced before jumping into action. Hell, your favorite contrib modules could be ready for use before D8 is released!
It is not an insurmountable task. And it can be accelerated. Initiatives for this exists. We like TSM. But help in whatever way you see fit. Let's get this show, your show, on the road.
* * *
Picture: FreakingNews.com
6 months to release, 18 months to safe-to-use
"When it's ready": Larry Garfield blogged recently it is likely to be six month at least. That rings to true to an outside observer.
Gut feeling: for the larger well-funded sites it could be excellent. For the many people who are still building blogs in Drupal because they have read that it is the thinking-man's Wordpress, maybe not so great.
I think about making my own business site D8. But like many small players in the Drupal industry, who have either blogs or like mine a brochure site, my site is not critical to making a living. Having learned lessons as an early adopter of D7, it will be a long time before I risk D8 on a client site (unless the client if fully informed about pros and cons, and on board with it).
The "thinking-man's Wordpress"...
It took *six months* after D7 released for contrib to really catch up. What's this talk of contrib now when we are not even at beta and we tell everyone if they port their module, well, things will still change. I can't understand why do you expect a huge amount of D8 modules to appear...
Are you actually promoting delay?
Chx is acknowledging reality.
Chx is acknowledging reality.
While it can be differentfor Drupal 8, its not something that will happen by itself. (I dont think I have seen a upgrade "pledge" initiative like there was for many modules for Drupal 7 - that would be a great start.)
There are differences like major contrib modules moving to core, but at the same time, there are probably 10x as many modules in contrib than there were when Drupal 7 was released.
Reality is what you make it.
contrib catchup
One thing that contrib in earlier releases of Drupal had to wait for was Views - many modules did not even start porting 'til that was released.
Now its in core. So while there will still be some time before contrib is featureful, it should not have as long a quiet period. Besides, with just views in core, core will be more capable than it was previously and less contrib will be required.
Backdrop: they don't
Backdrop: they don't understand how much time and energy working on such a huge project will cost. Also, I think they should have just focused on maintaining D7 for a longer period, than is usual for Drupal release, instead of just forking the whole project. That's really dumb move in my opinion.
D8 modules vs D7 modules + Come learn D8 with us training course: what do you expect when there is almost no D8 documentation yet? Which is understandable since D8 isn't even in a beta state. So what is the point of your question?
Sorry but the questions asked and points made in this article are really stupid in the current state of D8 development.
@Ivan Jaros
Drupal 8 highlights the faults of PHP
I think the problem with Drupal 8 highlights the faults and weakness of the PHP.
Python was architected to be a robust, well-designed and well thought-out language.
PHP “just happened”. Not to knock PHP (I actually love working in PHP) — but Python is just a better language.
Python mostly has that with Django.
Contrast that to PHP where we have Symfony, Zend, CodeIgniter, Kohana/ no clear winner means that the market is fragmented. And, fragmentation is bad. It’s particularly bad when it comes to web frameworks.
Will Symfony still be the best framework in a few years time
with so much competition? We don't know?
I think more developers will be move toward the Django CMS framework in a few years
far from winner
Django, while popular, is definitely not the only popular python-based web framework. web.py and cherryPy readily come to mind. You can easily see a lot of "fragmention" just looking over this list https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks
sloppy core cycle = delayed contrib cycle
1. many, if not most, contrib maintainers don't have spare cycles to port and report their modules. If anything, the d8 release cycle has been the most volatile-- none of the 'deadlines' have stuck, so why would any contrib maintainer want to risk porting now only to have port again the next time some big 'exception' to a deadline is made.
2. If anything, the d8 cycle has actually discouraged contrib porting even more than d7-- which was really mostly delayed due to the complete rewrite of views rather than core. Add the much much greater scope of changes, and much much longer contrib cycle is likely what will happen-- not a faster one.
3. This d8 dev cycle has been one big hot mess. Deadline after deadline was softened. So much so that even the most dedicated core developers can be seen frustrated in the issue queue complaining that they could have continued working on some important features if they knew that a particular 'deadline' was going to be bypassed when one after another large scale change (which shouldn't qualify due to a deadline) is committed. Why would contrib expect any better?
Love your style, misery guts!
While I totally am usually cynical, I really didn't think this particular post was, lol. But then it seems any one who isn't a cheerleader is a cynic.
And I'm not standing on the sidelines screaming anything.... though you certainly seem to be cheer leading at every opportunity. Was anything i said untrue?
But cheer all you want... I simply don't have the time to learn and relearn and port and re-port every time dries finds something he deems worthy to violate his own 'freezes' (at this point that term is a joke). And judging by your own stats it certainly seems many other contrib maintainers feel the same.
You'd probably have little more efficacy if you peeked out from behind the rose colored glasses occasionally, lol.
Not cheering, thus passionate about the contrib cause
Funny you call me a cheerleader -- some would say I'm kicking against shins.
As I have already acknowledged, the D8 core team themselves would have loved the D8 roll-out to have gone according to the initial projections.
No-one is cheering about D8 being late, certainly not me.
While my passion is for the community to get many contrib modules out soon, I'm not asking you to learn and re-learn and port and re-port. Your strengths may not be in developing code, which is fine, as there are other ways people in the community can contribute to getting D8 + contrib out sooner.
I also believe that the community should stop expecting that things happen for free. The expectation that high-quality contributed modules will continue to appear for FREE is an unsustainable business model.
In order to get quicker to the point where we can have real websites on D8, we need to mobilise and bring together supply (module developers/maintainers) and demand (individuals and businesses using their modules). This requires some sort of market place and TSM have a great model for it. Check out their site.
why not free
I am open to your argument that free modules is an unsustainable model. But to be persuaded I need to be told what has changed. This model has served Drupal well, and not stopped us competing with CMSs which have many paid modules. Do you mean something changed in the environment, or just that it has never been a good model?
It was never a great model
paid module marketplace?
You might be right that more paid Drupal software would be a good thing, although the line tends to be 'why would anyone pay when it is GPL licensed.' I have solicited views on starting a marketplace for paid Drupal modules on d.o. https://drupal.org/node/2122871.
Modules remain free and stay on drupal.org
Not sure that skills, my are fine btw lol, are necessarily the issue here. Rework is rework .... Even for the most skilled developer. I'm a one man band and I simply don't have the cycles to rework a module port (I get 0 paid time to contribute.... It's all personal time) over and over and over again. And I find it quite dismissive and insulting of contrib developer time when it's tossed off like no big deal.
And yes, the free vs paid module discussion is also very important. I agree that a paid module economy would probably be a good thing and help this issue a lot. However, this isn't the first time it's been suggested. It's come up many times....and by some very high profile drupalers. The fact that nothing has really come of it yet (TSM aside.... It's still pretty new) leads me to believe it may not be workable.
Something I noticed when
Something I noticed when testing D7 from alpha to release for a client. The contrib modules were coming along nicely in parallel with core. Then a release candidate made a core API change that broke a lot of the up-to-date modules. This happened not long before Christmas. Most activity died down over the festive break, maintainers were obviously taking a well-deserved rest. A week into the New Year and bang, D7 released because there were 'no new issues for 2 weeks'. Well duh, what did they expect? That everyone would be fixing and testing over Christmas? Hence very few modules were actually ready for the D7 stable release, although quite a few had been ready until the late change was made. If there were any voices commenting on this they were drowned out by the sound of champagne corks and cheering by the core team.
Its all very well telling the community to work harder but please give them a break and don't repeat what happened last time! (Not to mention that API changes shouldn't be happening as late as RC)
I think the main factors in
I think the main factors in terms of contrib are time and need.
It takes time to port modules to a new version and a lot of maintainers aren't able to spend their own unpaid spare time on the task.
This means that modules get ported as they are needed.
Once people/companies start seriously building sites using drupal 8 then when they come to something that needs porting they might spend the clients money to do so.
Until then I would not be expecting people to start donating all their time to it.
This is the reason why you see the much larger amount of drupal 7 module coming out.
That is what people are using so that is what they are making modules for.
It would be illogical for these people to be releasing all their modules for drupal 8 and having no one use them (and not be able to use them themselves unless they are way hardcore super risk takers).
People don't need drupal 8 modules yet so they are not building them.
Chicken and egg
I don't see how
I don't really see how.
People & companies aren't going to magically get more time & money to put into Drupal development so it doesn't make sense to work on Drupal 8 until there is an immediate return on the investment, which won't really be until rc at least.
The way I see it, working on Drupal 8 contrib now when it isnt really usable instead of using that time to work on Drupal 7 contrib, which is useful to people right now, is bad use of time.
I don't see a problem with a large number of modules bot being ready when Drupal 8 launches, because that is just how the cycle works.
I don't see it as a bad thing that a bunch of people have to use Drupal 7 for a bit longer if modules they need aren't ready.
As long as it is only 6 months before a decent amount of modules are ported I think that is perfectly acceptable.
That is indeed the current community mindset and status quo...
When will D7 be ready?
I'd have preferred it if all that time and effort spent on D8 would have gone into finishing D7.
23 releases over more than 2.5 years and still I cannot release a D7 site without core patches. There are currently 24 critical open issues and 103 major ones.
I do not have the resources to get them all fixed, but I try where I can.
To me it feels like D7 was released not when it was ready, but when certain core devs got fed up with it and wanted to start work on D8.
Will the same happen to D8?
I agree about Backdrop
I agree with your insight that the Backdrop announcement had some beneficial effect on D8. At DrupalCon Prague there were a number of sessions etc addressing the developer experience in D8 ... which was beneficial. I think there have also been a few tweaks to D8 to help. If Backdrop maintained contrib compatibility I think it would be guaranteed success, or as you suggest, supporting D7 longer. Other than that, it may be too early to pass any judgement on Backdrop's future.
I personally am OK with delaying D8 until it is ready (though I understand some people's frustration). Also, until an API freeze is certain I wouldn't push too hard to have people port modules to D8 early. Just my opinion.